Nitrogen Management on Dairy Farms
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References - Dairy Herd N Management

Albrecht, G. L., D. G. Fox, G. J. Birdsall, H. G. Nafziger, L. E. Chase, and J. H. Cherney. 2002. The effect of improved crop yields on wholefarm mass nutrient balance. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):139 (Abstr.).

Cerosaletti, P.E., D.G. Fox, L.E. Chase and D.C. Frazier. 2003. Precision feed management and its role in watershed protection. p. 251-259. In Proc. Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, Syracuse, NY. 21-23 Oct. 2003. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Cerosaletti, P. E., D. G. Fox, and L. E. Chase. 2004. Phosphorus Reduction Through Precision Animal Feeding of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Science 87: 2314-2323.

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Tylutki, T. P. 2002. Improving herd nutrient management on dairy farms: 1) Daily milk production variance in high producing cows as and indicator of diet nutrient balance. 2) On-farm six sigma quality management of diet nutrient variance. 3) Feedstuff variance on a commercial dairy and the predicted associated milk production variance. 4) A model to predict cattle nitrogen and phosphorus excretion with alternative herd feed programs. 5). Accounting for uncertainty in ration formulation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

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Tylutki, T. P., D. G. Fox, and M. McMahon. 2002. Implementation of the cuNMPS: development and implementation of alternatives. In Proc. Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, Syracuse, NY. 22-24 Oct. 2002. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Tylutki, T. P., D. G. Fox, M. McMahon, and P. McMahon. 2000. Using the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System Model to evaluate the effects of variation in maize silage quality on a dairy farm. p. 281-288. In Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals. J. P. McNamara, J. France and D. E. Beever, ed. CABI International, New York, NY.

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