Nitrogen Management on Dairy Farms
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References - Integration

Cerosaletti, P.E. D.G. Fox, and L.E. Chase. 2004. Phosphorus Reduction Through Precision Feeding of Dairy Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 87:2314-2323.

Klausner, S.D., D.G Fox, C.N. Rasmussen, R.E. Pitt, T.P. Tylutki, P.E. Wright, L.E. Chase, and W.C. Stone. 1998. Improving Dairy Farm Sustainability I: An Approach to Animal and Crop Nutrient Management Planning. Journal of Production Agriculture 11:225-233.

Kohn, R. A., Z. Dou, J. D. Ferguson and R. C. Boston. 1997. A Sensitivity Analysis of Nitrogen Losses from Dairy Farms. Journal of Environmental Management 50:417–428.

Tylutki, T.P., D.G. Fox, and M. McMahon. 2004. Implementation of Nutrient Management Planning on a Dairy Farm. Professional Animal Scientist 20:58–65.

Wang, S.J., D.G. Fox, D.J.R. Cherney, L.E. Chase, and L.O. Tedeschi. 2000. Whole herd optimization with the Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system. III. Application of an optimization model to evaluate alternatives to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus mass balance. J. of Dairy Sci. 83:2160-2169.

Wang, S.J., D.G. Fox, D.J.R. Cherney, S.D. Klausner, and D.R. Bouldin. 1999. Impact of dairy farming on well water nitrate level and soil content of phosphorus and potassium. J Dairy Sci. 82:2164-2169.